Hailey Jayne Hailey Jayne


I've learned that growth happens by letting go. You aren't actually changing who you fundamentally are; you are shedding layers of beliefs you have about yourself, behaviours that are unhelpful to you, connections that drain you, and circumstances that no longer serve you. You're removing the layers upon layers of everything that has held you back from who you already are.

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thoughts on life Hailey Jayne thoughts on life Hailey Jayne

Making Sense

I’ve been living in Calgary since November 2022 (last year), when some circumstances forced a bit of a fork in my life’s path and I had to make a pretty sudden decision to either go back to Vancouver where I had been living for the last 12 years or to come back to the city I grew up in (Calgary).

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books I love Hailey Jayne books I love Hailey Jayne

Books for Moving Forward

Here are some of the books I’ve read over the past couple of months that have really helped me move forward from a significant change, and refocus my energy on a positive and purpose-driven life. I hope you also find these healing and inspiring too!

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“Accept that you are a work in progress, both a revision and a draft: you are better and more complete than earlier versions of yourself, but you also have work to do. Be open to change. Allow yourself to be revised.”

— Maggie Smith, Keep Moving: Notes on Loss, Creativity and Change