Continued Healing

I’ve been quiet on my journal lately, even though I love writing as a way of expressing myself. I’m discovering that healing is definitely not a linear process, which is a reality that everyone recognizes. However, I didn’t really want to believe it because I was on such an upward trajectory towards a better life situation. However, a couple of months ago, I lost track of my personal growth when I started feeling more settled. I worked really hard to get to a place where I felt comfortable, happy, and safe within a fairly short period of time. But once I felt settled, I stopped putting in as much effort to maintain it. My body and mind were exhausted, and all that effort seemed overwhelming.

I recently received some very difficult news and because I hadn’t been practicing my healthy coping mechanisms as often as I could have, I started to spiral and make choices that weren't supportive of the version of myself that can handle what life throws at me. But fortunately, due to the work I've put in over the years towards my mental health, I'm better able to detect when this is happening and change course much more quickly than I have in the past.

Both my therapist and one of my close friends have reminded me that it's crucial to keep putting in the work to live in a way that supports your growth, happiness, and health, even when things are going well. This is a reminder to myself and anyone else going through something similar. It's important to remember that life will always have challenges. When things settle down, it doesn't mean the work is done. The work is never complete; it just becomes more ingrained in your life as you continue to make choices that support the life you want.

Here's to continued healing and recognizing when you're getting in your own way, then correcting course. It’s always an option to correct your course, even when it feels impossible. Don't give up on yourself just because you feel like you're in too deep. Each day is a new opportunity to steer your life towards your goals and be grateful for what you currently have.

Hailey Jayne

Graphic designer based in Vancouver, BC.



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